How to Clean a Dust Pan and Brush: The Ultimate Guide
You use your broom and dustpan to clean your house, but what do you do when its the broom that's dirty?

Cleaning your dustpan and brush isn’t the most glamorous of chores, but it is essential for keeping your home tidy. Not only does regular cleaning ensure that your dustpan is free of dirt and debris, but it also helps to extend the life of the tool. So if you want to make sure that your dustpan and brush are in top shape, follow these simple steps.
Cleaning Tools and Cleaning Supplies
Some of the tools you may need to help you in getting the perfect clean for your dustpan and brush include the following:
- Stiff-bristled brush or scrub brush. This will help you break up any gunk you may have on the dustpan
- Soft-bristled brush or toothbrush (for smaller crevices) This will help you get in to the nooks and crannies of your brush and dustpan set.
- Liquid dish soap or any other grease-cutting cleaner. If you use your broom and dustpan in a garage or shop regular soap may not cut it. You may need to look for a stronger degreaser to get the job done.
- Hot water. Any cleaning job needs hot water to sanitize after the wash.
- White vinegar or hydrogen peroxide (for stubborn stains and odors).
- Baking soda (for tough stains)
- Microfiber cloths or sponges. These will help you wipe off the gunk.
- Rubber gloves (optional)
- Bucket or basin (optional)
- All-purpose cleaner (optional, if you prefer it over dish soap) Keep in mind the stronger the cleaner the less you will need so a few squirts should do the job.
- Vacuum cleaner. You can use a vacuum cleaner to help remove debris and get the hair and loose fibers out of your brushes bristles. The upholstery attachment works great for this.
Note: Not all of these supplies are necessary, depending on the level of dirt and grime on the dustpan and brush. Use your own judgement and adjust the list as needed.

Cleaning Your Dustpan
- Begin by tapping the dustpan over a garbage can to remove any remaining debris.
- Rinse the dustpan with hot water to remove any remaining dust or dirt.
- Apply a small amount of liquid dish soap or any other grease-cutting cleaner on the dustpan.
- Scrub the dustpan thoroughly with a stiff-bristled brush or scrub brush. You can also use a damp cloth if there isn't much buildup. If there are smaller crevices, use a toothbrush to gently clean them out.
- Rinse the dustpan thoroughly with hot water to remove any soap residue.
- For stubborn stains or odors, mix equal parts white vinegar (or hydrogen peroxide) and hot water in a bowl or basin. Soak the dustpan in the mixture for about 5-10 minutes.
- If there are still any tough stains, try sprinkling baking soda on the dustpan and scrubbing it with a brush. The baking soda should help to break down the stains.
- Rinse the dustpan with hot water and dry it off with a microfiber cloth or sponge. You can also hang it and the broom upside down to dry. Make sure to dry it completely to prevent any rust or damage.
- If you prefer, you can also spray all-purpose cleaner on the dustpan and wipe it clean with a microfiber cloth or sponge.
- Store the clean dustpan in a completely dry place.
Note: If you're using any chemical cleaners, make sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands.
Cleaning Your Broom
- Fill a bucket or basin with warm water and add a small amount of dish soap.
- Place the broom bristles down into the soapy water. Make sure that the water does not touch the broom handle, as it could cause damage or warping.
- Let the broom soak for about 10-15 minutes to loosen any dirt or debris.
- Remove the broom from the water and use a soft-bristled brush, like a toothbrush, to scrub the bristles gently. Start from the base of the bristles and work your way up to the top working free any loose debris.
- Rinse the broom bristles under running water until all the soap has been removed.
- Squeeze out any excess water from the bristles with your hands or by using a clean towel or cloth.
- Use another clean towel or cloth to pat the broom bristles dry. Finally, hang up both pieces (dustpan and broom) in an area where they can air dry without being disturbed by other objects or people passing by. This will help keep them in good condition until you need them again for another round of cleaning around the house!
- Store the clean broom in a dry place, like a closet or garage.
Cleaning your broom will also have the benefit of keeping dust out of the air and allow a diffuser to perform better!
Why Its Important To Clean Your Broom
Keeping your broom clean is essential for its effectiveness and longevity. Not only can you wash a broom, but you should clean it regularly to remove lint, dust and dirt buildup that can otherwise be difficult to remove from the broom head, handles and bristles.

This is especially important if you have a dirty broom or one with frayed bristles as they won't be able to do their job properly without being properly cleaned. To do this, use a bucket of soapy water, dip the head of the broom in it and swipe it back and forth against the bottom of the bucket. Allow the broom time to soak before rinsing it off with plain water.
How to remove lint from broom
Cleaning your broom bristles is an important part of maintaining your home. To keep your broom in the best condition, you should regularly remove lint build-up from the bristles.
This process can be done easily using a brush and some warm water. Simply dip the bristles into warm water for a few minutes, then use the brush to stroke away any lint or dirt that has gathered. Rinse off with cool water, and repeat if necessary until the bristles are lint-free.
Last Word
Cleaning a dust pan and brush may not be high on anyone's list of favorite activities - but it still needs to be done! Taking just a few minutes each time you use this tool will help keep it in good working order for years to come. Follow these easy steps regularly and you'll never worry about using an old, grimy dust pan or brush ever again! With just a touch of elbow grease and some basic cleaning supplies, you can keep your home looking clean as a whistle - no matter what kind of mess comes through your front door!